Assumption dumption Add/remove


The purpose of assumption dumption is to get all the assumptions one might have about a problem or theme out in the open to create a shared understanding amongst team members.  This is done to gain a new perspective on the problem/theme and explore beliefs and biases and thereby encourage discussion. This gives access to understanding each others point of view, which can be used to align expectations and identify new possible design areas

Tips to include participants who are not able to:


If a participant is unable to hold, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the writing. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members. The participants should though still explain their own ideas to not feel excluded.

The partner who is able to hold should also place the post-its on the template.


If participants are unable to see, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the writing. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members.The participants should though still explain their own ideas to not feel excluded.

Verbally let the participant with the limited sight know what assumptions the other participants are writing down, as well as how the template is forming.


If participants are unable to hear, sign language or other symbol language could be used if an interpreter is present. If not, the steps can be done in writing form. Make sure all assumptions have a written explanation.

Drawing to communicate assumptions is also possible.


If participants are unable to speak, sign language or other symbol language could be used if an interpreter is present. If not, the steps can be done in writing form. Make sure all assumptions have a written explanation.

Drawing to communicate assumptions is also possible.


If participants are unable to move, make sure the template is placed in close proximity to the participants.

make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the writing and placing the post-its. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members. The participants should though still explain their own ideas to not feel excluded



An assumption, problem or theme


Dumped assumptions, better understanding of the problem and opportunities.




15-30 min




– Writing
– Categorising
– Communicating

Step by step:

  1. Print and hang the template where all can see them. The problem/theme should be inserted into the template.

  2. Divide the participants in groups of 3-4 people.

  3. Ask the participants to individually brainstorm over assumptions they have to the problem/theme. The assumptions should be written on post-its, one assumption pr. post-it (2-3 min).

  4. The participants should one by one hang the post-its on the template and cluster the assumptions simultaneously into predefined categories. Examples of useful categorizations could be e.g. ‘relevant’, ‘irrelevant’ and ‘need to explore further’ or whether the assumptions are ‘actual constraints’ or ‘perceived constraints’(5-10 min, depends on the amount of participants and how many assumptions they have found).

  5. Complete another round of both step 3 and 4, where participants get inspiration from the other participants’ assumptions.

  6. At the end of the exercise you should be able to park the assumptions that are not relevant to your project. Make sure everyone gets a say in the discussion.

When doing this method you should consider:

Make sure that if assumptions created can seem offensive for other participants, that they can either be rephrased, discussed in a curious but not judgemental way, or not included.
Make sure that if targeting a theme with a very specific user group, they are included. Though make sure more than one is represented in the group to avoid pointing them out.
Make sure the group of participants are diverse.
Be mindful of each other’s beliefs.

Materials needed:

  • Template or large piece of paper
  • Post-its
  • Pens