Blind voting Add/remove


The purpose of the blind voting exercise is to get insights of what concept, idea, problem or similar, the participants find the most interesting or realistic.  This can then be used directly to make decisions on what to choose and move forward with, or the results can be reflected on and used for later development.

Tips to include participants who are not able to:


If participants are unable to touch, make sure to have a facilitator available to write down the vote of the participant.


If participants are unable to hold, make sure to have a facilitator available to write down the vote of the participant.

If the voting box hole is too small for the participants dexterity, either cut a larger hole or use a bowl instead.


If participants are unable to see make sure to present the concepts in detail. Make in-depth descriptions and describe the illustrations thoroughly. If the participant is not comfortable with writing either – make them come up one by one to express their vote, which the facilitator then will note down and put into the voting box.


If participants are unable to move, concepts should be placed in close proximity to the participants.

Make sure to have a facilitator available to write down the vote of the participant and throw it in the voting box.


If participants are unable to hear, make sure to have a written description of all concepts for the participants to read through.



Concepts, problems or ideas


A popular vote for one or more concepts




5-10 min




Writing, Seeing, Reflecting

Step by step:

  1. Print the template to cut out and fold the voting box.

  2. Print and cut out the voting ballots.

  3. Give each concept/idea/problem a number and sum up what the concepts are about to the participants (time spent depends on the amount of concepts).

  4. Hand out as many votes as you want the participants to have.

  5. Ask the participants to vote for e.g. their favorite or top three by writing the favorites/top threes number on their ballot.

  6. Ask the participants to put the ballots in the voting box.

  7. Empty the box and count the votes.

  8. Present the results to the participants.

When doing this method you should consider:

Print the box template as large as you can to make it easier to put in the ballots.
Keep the voting rules simple. like top three or two votes each or just your favorite.