Principle Prompt Cards

Stress test your solutions with the principles of Universal Design.

The principles can be used to evaluate and reflect upon existing solutions and early-stage concepts to ensure no user groups are unintentionally overlooked.

The principles are categorized into 3 levels;

Products/Services: Guidance for implementing Universal Design at a tangible level for products and services.

Organisation: Adding Universal Design principles into organisatorial practices and strategies.

Society: Universal Design principles at a societal level, considering the environment and surroundings.

Equitable Use
Flexibility in Use
Simple and Intuitive
Perceptible Information
Tolerance for error
Low Physical Effort
Size and Space for Approach and Use
Affordable for all
Available Everywhere
Accessible Support Systems
Flexibility in Ownership
Life Extending Ownership
Beneficial for All
Leave No One Behind
Human Rights
Future Generations
Incentivizing Ethical Behavior
Incentivizing Sustainability


The Inclusion Prompt Cards are designed by DTU Skylab, as part of the program “Technology Leaving No One Behind”, enabled through partnerships with The Bevica Foundation, Disabled People’s Organisations Denmark, The Association of Young people with Disabilities (SUMH) DTU Management, and DTU Entreprenuership.

The cards are designed using pictures from, and Dall-E.