Ability Prompt Cards

Foster empathy & challenge how your solution could scale to a broader group of users

Who are you currently excluding? What are the mismatches (pain points) between your solution and the extreme disabilities outlined on these cards?

Designing for people with permanent disabilities or extreme scenarios can seem like a significant constraint, but can in fact result in solutions that can benefit a much larger number of people. This deck of Ability Prompt Cards provide examples of disabilities, and are not to be seen as a comprehensive overview, but rather as inspiration for you to use to challenge your solution.


This deck of Ability Prompt Cards is designed by DTU Skylab, as part of the programme “Technology Leaving No One Behind”, enabled through partnership with The Bevica Foundation, Disabled People’s Organizations Denmark and DTU Management.

The cards are designed with strong inspiration from Microsoft Inclusive Design.
Pictures: The cards are designed using pictures from freepik.com