Ranking Through Group Discussion Add/remove


The purpose of this exercise is to get an overview over which ideas your participants find as being the best. This can then give basis for choosing a concept or problem to take on further into the development process.

Tips to include participants who are not able to:


If participants have hearing impairment make sure they can communicate their thoughts either through a sign language interpreter (if present) or by doing the discussion in written form instead of spoken.

For the presentation of the ranking, use a sign language interpreter or hand out the presentation as a manuscript.


If participants are unable to hear, make sure they can communicate their thoughts either through a sign language interpreter (if present) or by doing the discussion in written form instead of spoken.

For the presentation of the ranking, use a sign language interpreter or hand out the presentation as a manuscript.


If participants are limited in motoric ablilties, the template for ranking is either placed at a suitable height for wheelchair users to read it or placed on the table.


If participants are limited in the ability to think, fewer concept proposals should be presented to the participants. Keep concepts simple and shorten down the time for the exercise if needed.


If the ability to focus is limited because of time crunch, shorten down the time spent on discussion and presentations. If the ability is limited because of distractions, make sure facilitators keep a calm and attentive attitude, and prolong time for the task.


If participants are unable to hold, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the placement of post its. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members.


If participants are unable to touch, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the placement of post its. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members.



Multiple concepts/problems


Ranked concepts


Simple - moderate


10 - 20 min





Step by step:

  1. Divide the participants in groups of 3.

  2. Present the different concepts/problems to the participants.

  3. Hand out all concepts/problems to all groups.

  4. Give the groups around 5 minutes to discuss each concept/problem and place them on the ranking template.

  5. Ask each group to present the ranking order.

When doing this method you should consider:

Be observant that introverts, quiet, and non-verbal communicators also get a say in the ranking by asking them directly or assigning them to do the hanging.

Materials needed:

  • Template
  • Concepts