Actor Network Add/remove


The purpose of the actor network is to gain an overview over all the actors that might be influenced or can influence a project and why, as well as how they are interconnected with other actors.  It is a great tool to have in the back of the mind for when determining who to include in a creative process and when.

Tips to include participants who are not able to:


If participants are unable to see, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the writing. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members.The participants should though still explain their own ideas to not feel excluded.

Verbally let the participant with the limited sight know what actors the other participants are writing down, as well as how the network is forming.


If the ability to focus is limited because of time crunch, shorten down the time spent on brainstorming. If the ability is limited because of distractions, make sure facilitators keep a calm and attentive attitude, and prolong time for brainstorming.


If participants are unable to hold, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the writing and placing post-its. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members. The participants should though still explain their own ideas to not feel excluded.


If participants have a limited ability to grasp the task, increase or reduce the time for brainstorming dependent on the type of thinking limitations.


If participants are unable to hold, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the writing and placing post-its. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members. The participants should though still explain their own ideas to not feel excluded.


The participant could use a software that has text to speech abilities. Sign language or other symbol language could be used if an interpreter is present. Drawing relevant actors and their roles to further enhance communication is also possible.


If participants are unable to move, pair up with another group member to spar with that can place the post-its in the network.



A project theme


Overview of actors








Core abilities:

  • Writing
  • Communication

Step by step:

  1. Start by writing down the core of your project

  2. Brainstorm over who and what could be influenced by a potential solution – an actor can both be a specific person, a type, non human objects, information etc.

  3. Brainstorm over who and what could influence a potential solution

  4. Cluster the actors into themes/backgrounds/profession/how they influence/how they are influenced etc. (a cluster can also be just one type of actor)

  5. Connect the clusters by how they are interconnected.

  6. Repeat and revise as necessary

When doing this method you should consider:

  • This method can also be performed like a mindmap where you do the connecting immediately.
  • Update the Actor network as you go on in the project.

Materials needed:

  • Post-its
  • Template