Spiderweb Add/remove
The purpose of this exercise is to evaluate concept ideas based on criteria they should live up to.
Tips to include participants who are not able to:








Concept proposals and criteria the concepts should live up to.
Visual representation of how the different concept ideas perform.
15-60 min
- reflect
- draw
- communicate
Step by step:
Predefine the criteria that the concept proposals should live up to and note them on the spiderweb templates.
Divide the participants in groups of 3.
Present the scoring scale to ensure that the participants have the correct understanding.
The scale goes from 1 to 5:
5 = The concept proposal lives fully up to the criteria
4 = The concept proposal almost lives up to the criteria. Only minor things differentiates.
3 = The concept proposal lives somewhat up to the criteria although changes are necessary.
2 = The concept proposal needs to be changed a lot to live up to the criteria.
1 = The concept proposal does not live up to the criteria at all
Hand out one concept proposal and one spiderweb template at a time and ask the groups to discuss the concept through and rate the concept in regards to the 1- 5 scale by filling in the template for each criteria.
Hand out a new concept proposal and template when the participants have filled in the first template.
Step 5 is repeated as many times as there are concept proposals.
Once all concepts proposals have been rated, all groups are asked to present the ratings.
When doing this method you should consider:
Predefined some criteria that you know the concepts should live up to. But to engage your participants even more it can be a good idea to have them state some criteria that they have found throughout the workshop.
Although, make your participants come up with some criteria as well. This will make them feel valuable and maybe they will have important findings that you as a facilitator had not thought of.
The time depends on how many concept proposals each group should evaluate. 10 minutes should be given for each concept proposal. If the participants have to evaluate 3 concepts they should be given 30 minutes.
If you do not have too many concept proposals you could give all groups the same concept proposals to see if they score differently depending on the group rating them.
If you have many concept proposals the method could be long if all groups have to rate all concepts. Instead, hand out different concept proposals to the different groups. When the groups are presenting make the other participants ask questions and/or provide feedback if they agree/disagree on the scoring.
Materials needed:
Template & Colours