Sequence model Add/remove


The purpose of the sequence model is to get an understanding of the overall problem by mapping out each step of the situation you want to change with your final design. The goal is twofold as you will get an understanding of each step in a situation as well as identifying where breakdowns occur.

Tips to include participants who are not able to:


If participants can not see, the method could be performed orally as long as the facilitator or other group members either record it or make someone else write it down ensuring that the data will not get lost. It should be saved in a way that is easy to access from time to time.


If the ability to focus is limited because of time crunch, shorten down the time spent on creating the sequence. If the ability is limited because of distractions, make sure facilitators keep a calm and attentive attitude, and prolong time for the task.


If participants are unable to speak, discussions about what to put on the template should be done in written form or though a sign language interpreter if present.


If participants are unable to hear, discussions about what to put on the template should be done in written form or though a sign language interpreter if present.


If participants have a hard time reflecting upon when breakdowns happen, talking through the steps with the user is a good idea. Keep the sequence short and simple.


If participants are unable to hold, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the writing on the template. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members.


If participants are unable to move, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the writing on the template. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members.


If participants are unable to touch, make sure to have a partner to spar with that can do the writing on the template. This could be a helper, documenter, facilitator or other group members.



Research based on the user/situation you want to design for








You and our design team or groups of 2-3


Break down a situation to single steps
Be observant
Be reflective

Step by step:

  1. Divide participants in groups of 2-3.

  2. Based on either desktop research, interview with users or other research, fill out what the intent with the situation is on the template.

  3. Write what triggers the situation. The trigger causes a sequence of actions.

  4. The sequence of actions should be written down step by step on the template. The first action is written at the top followed by an arrow pointing downwards to the next action.

  5. Step 3 is repeated until all steps are noted down.

  6. If your research shows you that a breakdown/problem occurs, place the symbol of a lightning across the arrow between the steps where you have identified a breakdown/problem.

When doing this method you should consider:

If you decide to use this method during your workshop rather than performing the method together with your design team prior to the workshop, it is important that your participants have enough background information about the given situation. Else it can be difficult to identify the breakdowns.

If possible, combine this method with the method ‘fly on the wall’ as you follow the user in the given situation and can therefore observe the breakdowns instead of mapping out breakdowns based on assumptions from your research.

Materials needed:

  • Template
  • Pens