Present your partner Add/remove


The purpose of presenting your partner is to get the workshop participants to know each other.

Tips to include participants who are not able to:


If participants have hearing impairment make sure they can communicate either through a sign language interpreter (if present) or by asking the participants to write down questions and answers instead of talking.


If participants are unable to speak make sure they can communicate either through a sign language interpreter (if present) or by asking the participants to write down questions and answers instead of talking.


If the ability to focus is limited, make only a few simple questions and reduce time discussing.
Get the participant, a facilitator or helper to write down answers to questions to be better prepared for presenting.


If the ability to think is limited, make only a few simple questions and reduce time discussing.
Get the participant, a facilitator or helper to write down answers to questions to be better prepared for presenting.


If participants feel insecure about the exercise, don't push them too hard. Be sensitive towards different needs and ensure a safe environment. Presenting in smaller groups is possible.


If participants are not able to hold a pen, keep information between participants short and simple, or ask a documenter to write down the information for presenting.


If participants are not able to hold a pen, keep information between participants short and simple, or ask a documenter to write down the information for presenting.





Comfort and understanding of each others skills








communicating, remembering,
reading*, writing*

*only if notetaking and question ideas comes in use


Step by step:

  1. Divide the participants in groups of two.

  2. Provide pen and paper for note taking for each group.

  3. Ask participant 1 to ask participant 2 about their name and how they can contribute to the workshop, what is their expertise, what are they good at etc.

  4. Repeat step 3 although switch roles.

  5. Participant 1 presents participant 2 and vise versa to the rest of the group. All groups should be presented.

When doing this method you should consider:

  • If participants have a hard time remembering, give them paper to take notes on
  • If participants have a hard time remembering, make them the last one to listen to their partner and the first to present.
  • If a participant has a hard time focusing avoid note paper as it can act as a distraction

Materials needed:

  • Paper for note taking
  • Pens for note taking
  • Question ideas page